Re The conflicts of interest of Professor Terry Nolan (ATAGI chairman), Professor Peter Richmond, Professor Robert Booy, Dr. Alan Hampson and Anne Kelso. The Australian Government has chosen this busy time of year to discuss an important bill that involves human rights and freedom of speech. At this moment the Senate is conducting an inquiry… [Read more]
The Project (Channel 10), Media Bias and Organised Lobby Groups
The biased coverage of the vaccination issue was evident in the media coverage on the 26th November 2012. The ‘vaccine objectors’ were not represented in any of the media articles. In particular I would like to address the coverage by The Project (26.11.12). This media station presented Dr. Rachael Dunlop as the spokesperson for the… [Read more]
Doctors take aim at Vaccine Objectors (26.11.12)
Today the media informed Australians that ‘doctors will be taking aim at vaccine objectors’. This news item was presented to the public in the usual biased manner that results in misinforming the public rather than allowing open and transparent debate. Instead of having a representative of both sides of the argument the ABC invited Suzanne… [Read more]
To the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
RE: My reply to the TGA re HPV vaccine Dear Debbie (no surname provided), Thankyou for replying to my letter, however you have not answered any of the questions that consumers are asking about this vaccine. The TGA continues to claim that: ‘the HPV vaccine is safe and effective and the benefits of the vaccine… [Read more]
HPV vaccine not in the public’s best interests
A letter to the Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA): I would like to provide you with the following quote from the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (September 2012 p. 677): ‘Merck’s HPV vaccine Gardasil failed (and continues to fail) to meet a single one of the four criteria required by the FDA for… [Read more]
The Weekend Australian Magazine (20 – 21st October 2012) Interview with Suzanne Cory, Biologist ’10 questions’
Suzanne Cory is the president of the Australian Academy of Science and heads a lab in the Molecular Genetics of Cancer Division at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne. It was therefore disappointing that she suggested that there are members of the general community that dismiss ‘…..climate change research or immunisation… [Read more]
Choice in Vaccination
To the NSW Minister for Health Dear Health Minister Skinner, Re: ‘Doctor’s unite to smash the anti-vaccine group’ Sunday Telegraph 22.7.12 I would like to bring to your attention the community concern over this article on vaccination. The Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) is a consumer lobby group that represents many professionals and parents who are… [Read more]
Response to Sunday Telegraph Article: Doctor’s unite to smash the anti-vaccine group (22.7.12)
This article is misleading the public about the use and efficacy of vaccines. Firstly the article states ‘Since the introduction of childhood immunisation in the 1930s vaccine-preventable diseases have declined by more than 99 per cent’. This statement is untrue because it suggests that the decline of infectious diseases is due to childhood immunisation programs…. [Read more]
HPV Vaccine for Boys
Answers Needed from Government Health Ministers On the 12th July Australia was the first country to start a government sponsored vaccination program offering HPV vaccine to boys 12 -13 years of age. This has been implemented despite significant consumer concerns about the ingredients of this vaccine and the efficacy against any type of cancer. Below… [Read more]
Newsletter 3 Is Vaccination in Australia Mandatory?
I would like to provide you with the directive from the Australian Medical Association (AMA) that was recently sent to doctor’s regarding the signing of concientious objector’s forms for vaccinations. It seems that even though the government states “vaccination in Australia is not compulsory” the doctor’s are being told they do not have to sign… [Read more]