On the 21st December 2023 Australia’s corporate medical regulator that was set up in 2009, the Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulatory Authority (AHPRA), quietly removed the directive to all health professionals that prevented them from providing the risks of COVID vaccines to their patients. Here is Dr. Brian Walker MLC, describing this breach of medical ethics… [Read more]
Comedian Cal Wilson Sadly Passes Away
Last week we heard of the sad passing of a much loved New Zealand comedian, Cal Wilson. The cause of death has been described as a rare form of cancer. It was known that had the COVID booster in 2022. Sadly, the Australian government has not provided any clinical data demonstrating that these new synthetic… [Read more]
‘Unvaccinated’ Does Not Mean Unprotected
The government/medical-industry provided false and misleading information when they claimed in 2020 that humans would not have natural immunity to a new mutated coronavirus – the family of viruses that cause the common cold! Here is the information you need to know about the false government claims in 2020-2021. Newsletter 297 – ‘Unvaccinated’ Does Not… [Read more]
Template Letter to Employers/Clubs ‘Medical Discrimination was Never Justified’
Dear ……, I’m writing to you because of the medical discrimination that many experienced in 2021-22 due to the Australian government’s directive to exclude people who chose not to have the experimental COVID19 injection. These people were labelled ‘unvaccinated’ and removed from social environments and workplaces. At the tennis clubs this resulted in people being… [Read more]
Mark McGowan Resigns as Excess Deaths Explode after Mandatory Jabs (plus a letter to your employer)
The information provided below proves there was never any justification for discriminating against unvaccinated people during the alleged pandemic of 2020-22. Please send this template letter to your employer or club, where you experienced discrimination, to ensure this crime never happens again. In 2021-22 many Australians were subjected to medical discrimination that violated all medical… [Read more]
Open Letter Stephen Crothers Part 2: False Information Provided by the Australian Government about a Medical Intervention
Stephen Crothers, is an Australian Scientist, Occupational Hygienist, and Forensic Investigator (11 October 2021). Here is a link to his Open Letter to the Australian people in full – Open Letter. False Information Provided by the Australian Government about a Medical Intervention Professor Skerritt has stated before Parliament that the COVID-19 vaccine programme is ‘an experiment’…. [Read more]
Open Letter from Steven Crothers, Australian Scientist and Occupational Hygienist: Part 1 The COVID Hoax
Since March 2020 I have been revealing the fraud behind the COVID alleged ‘pandemic’ and the fact that it never had anything to do with health. Now three years later it has been proven to be a hoax created for the purposes of population control and surveillance. This purpose is being driven by the United… [Read more]
Australia’s Fair Work Act 2009 used to Remove Informed Consent
Australia’s Fair Work Commission should be independent from the government, but in 2021 it became a tool of the state. This is a situation that has occurred in a similar manner in authoritarian states in the past, including Nazi Germany. Government capture of the Fair Work Commission has significant implications for our fundamental human rights… [Read more]
Stop Calling COVID19 Injection a ‘Vaccine’
COVID19 Vaccines have been Promoted on Lies Over the last three decades global populations and governments have been ‘educated’ by the medical industry to believe that vaccines i) prevent disease ii) have rare side-effects and iii) have saved millions of lives. But what evidence has been provided to support these claims? It has not been… [Read more]
The Medical Fraud in Diagnosing COVID19 Disease
An infectious disease cannot be diagnosed by simply testing to identify a virus. This is because having the virus does not always lead to disease or even serious disease. Tests are supportive tools used by doctors to assist with diagnosis only after specific symptoms appear. Infections without symptoms (asymptomatic) have never been considered ‘cases’ of… [Read more]