Update on the Mandating of 16 Vaccines for Western Australian Children (8 August 2019)
On the 22 July 2019 the Western Australian government adopted mandatory vaccination policies that will prevent children (0-5 years of age) from attending any pre-compulsory schooling or day care facility without receiving 16 or more vaccines (No Jab No Play policy).
This policy was adopted in Western Australia after only 6 days of discussion in the WA parliament and without any politician providing evidence that the policy would improve children’s health or discussion of the compensation programs in many other countries for vaccine-injured victims that are paying out billions of dollars ($4 billion + in the US) in compensation.
The bill also passed without any discussion of the public’s right to medical freedom in all medical interventions and the fact that vaccination in Australia is not compulsory and never has been.
The WA Premier and Health Minister pushed this policy through the parliament without providing any evidence that 1) The policy will improve children’s health 2) That unvaccinated children are more at risk of getting or spreading these diseases or 3) That each of these 16 vaccines can create herd immunity if 95% of the community is vaccinated.
Most adults have not used half of the 16 vaccines that are now mandated for children therefore the vaccines could not have been responsible for controlling these diseases. It is also well documented that many vaccinated children are still getting these diseases and many children are also dying or getting permanently damaged from vaccines. But these statistics are not being reported in the media.
Here are the 6 questions that the WA government did not answer in parliament to prove that the No Jab No Play policy would improve health in the community or that the policy is necessary to control these diseases.
Currently there are 16 vaccines recommended on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) but this can be expanded at any time. Many of these vaccines were only put on the recommended schedule from 2013 onwards – for example, rotavirus, chicken pox, pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines – and it is clear that they were not used with a 95% uptake rate in the population to create herd immunity to control these diseases.
This is the same for most of the vaccines on the (NIP). Most adults have never used half of these 16 vaccines that are now being mandated for our children so they could not have controlled these diseases. Despite this fact we are now preventing healthy children 0-5 years of age, who do not have 16 vaccines, from participating in normal education and socialisation situations: the most critical time in a child’s development.
When the government announced this new policy in the Western Australian media on 22 July 2019 only channel 9 came to interview me to get the informed public’s opinion of this policy. Channel 9 did a 15 min interview with me and presented only 8 seconds of this interview in the channel 9 news that night.
On Friday 2 August 2019 the parents of Western Australia held a protest in Forrest Place in the Perth CBD. Over 100+ parents attended this rally at short notice. Channel 7 was the only media that attended this rally and they did a 7 minute interview with me that they did not include in their news bulletin that evening.
In fact, channel 7 only included its coverage of the rally in its 4pm bulletin and not the 6pm bulletin. Here is the 7 minute video footage of my interview with channel 7 that was not provided to the public in the mainstream news. This video describes clearly the lack of evidence that the government has used to approve this policy.
Here is a link to the 25 minute speech I gave at the Perth Rally on 2 August 2019. There is a 5 minute introduction in this video describing the anxiety parents are feeling in Australia for their jobs when they speak out on the well documented risks of vaccines in public. My 25 min speech then describes how the Western Australian media has let the community down by not presenting the real issues surrounding this policy. These issues are choice in vaccination and medical freedom in Australia.
Here is a video of our protest through the streets of Perth and another video of a parent’s story of her child’s regression into autism after receiving his vaccines – Lauren’s Experience of Vaccines at the Perth Rally 2 August 2019.
In the Channel 7 news bulletin at 4 pm (2 August 2019) they did not show any of the interview with myself or of Lauren’s tragic experience with vaccines. Instead they interviewed the Western Australian premier, Mark McGown for his response to parent’s protesting forced vaccinations for entry into childcare.
Mark McGowan’s response to the vaccine-injured victims and to the community requesting medical freedom in Australia was “to bugger off”.
This is an appalling response from a state government that has rushed this policy through the parliament without any accountability or transparency. So the informed parents of WA would like Mark McGowan to know that we are not going anywhere and we do not give consent to this policy.
Politicians can be held liable for designing public health policy on false and misleading information and we will be seeking legal avenues to maintain our right to bodily integrity in Australia with respect to all medical interventions.
Please remember that Peter McIntyre, director of Australia’s vaccination program for over 20 years with the government NCIRS, preferred to be associated with a federal crime instead of defending mandatory vaccination in the Federal Circuit Court in Queensland in December 2018.
Here is a Summary of the WA Government’s Lack of Evidence for Mandating Vaccines in Children.
Progression of the Immunisation Bill (No Jab No Play) 2019 through the WA Parliament
On the 8 May 2019 the WA Health Department introduced the Mandatory Childcare Immunisation (Vaccination) Bill into the WA parliament for discussion. This was not announced in the media. This bill will remove the right of parents to decide what is injected into their children’s bodies in the name of ‘health’ and it gives this right to the government.
This is done by requiring that all children are ‘fully’ vaccinated with 12+ vaccines (~35-40 doses) in order to enrol in childcare and early education facilities and to receive childcare benefits.
The WA Premier Mark McGowan made the decision to introduce this bill before the Council of Australian Governments had finished assessing the options for introducing a national approach to increasing immunisation (vaccination) rates. This would have been completed in March 2019 but Mr. McGowan took a lead on this issue in December 2018 without providing a reason for this decision.
It needs to be noted that ‘improving immunisation (vaccination) rates’ is not the same goal as ‘improving children’s health’. Improving immunisation rates is ‘increasing the use of vaccines that contain multiple chemicals’ and the public requires evidence that using more vaccines will improve children and community health.
Whilst the WA government claims that this bill ‘will not enforce vaccination on anyone’, the bill will remove the choice of WA parents to use organised childcare facilities and early childhood education (0-5 years of age) in order to go to work. This is a discriminatory policy that removes social services and bodily integrity for some children in our democratic country.
Currently the Australian government is recommending 16 vaccines in its national program and it has mandated 12 of these vaccines for children 0-5 years of age but this can be increased at any time. This is being called the ‘No Jab No Play’ policy.
On the 8 May 2019 when the bill was tabled in the Legislative Council (LC) the community was advised that the results of its public consultation process and regulatory impact assessment (DRIS) would not be released at this time.
This means that the government’s reasons for bringing in this policy and its answers to the public’s concerns about the policy have not been scrutinised by the public or the members of the Legislative Council, who will vote on this policy.
When the WA Labor government introduced this bill to the LC on the 8 May 2019, the Minster for Education and Training, Sue Ellery, claimed that the policy was being introduced to improve community health by:
- Increasing childhood immunisation (vaccination) rates and
- Protecting children from vaccine-preventable diseases (infectious diseases).
The WA Health Department has not provided any evidence that increasing vaccination rates in children will improve community health. In fact the opposite is true – the evidence is showing that children’s health has significantly declined as each new vaccine has been introduced. For example, since the vaccination program expanded in 1990 45 – 50% of Australian children 0-14 years of age now have a chronic illness.
This decline includes the chronic illnesses and deaths that have been listed as side-effects from vaccines for decades and that the US government has paid out in compensation to vaccine injured victims.
Why isn’t the WA government taking responsibility for protecting against preventable chronic illnesses in children and the community?
The WA government has not demonstrated that increasing the vaccination rates will improve children’s health or community health – the stated goal of vaccination policies. Significantly, the Health Department has also not provided evidence that vaccines are not causing this chronic illness. (The US and Australia use the same vaccines but they are registered under different names in different countries without additional testing)
The WA government is claiming that this policy is necessary to ‘protect community health.’ However, community health includes protection from chronic illnesses as well as infectious diseases and the evidence shows that children’s health has declined significantly with the addition of each new vaccine added to the vaccination schedule.
In addition, the WA government has not provided transparent evidence that vaccines are creating herd immunity to ‘prevent’ infectious diseases. Yet they are labelling them ‘vaccine-preventable diseases‘. Infectious disease outbreaks are still occurring in highly vaccinated populations.
On the 16 May 2019 I wrote to the Health Minister, Roger Cook, on behalf of the concerned citizens of WA requesting that he provides the evidence for this policy by answering the six questions that I have asked him about the risks and benefits of this policy. We asked that he provides us with this evidence or a response before the 23 May 2019.
On the 23 May 2019 I had not received a response from Roger Cook, so we announced this fact on the steps of parliament house. Here is the video of this event – Update of the WA No Jab No Play 23 May 2019.
On the 28 May I received a response from Roger Cook to my six questions that was sent to Alison Xamon’s (Greens Legislative Council Member) office. This response does not provide answers to our questions. Roger Cook has provided the public with web addresses for us to research these answers for ourselves.
If a rigorous risk/benefit assessment of this policy has been completed then Minister Cook would have the answers to these specific questions.
The second reading of this policy was scheduled for 4 June 2019 but this was cancelled at the last minute. On the 5 June 2019 the public consultation documents and regulatory impact statement (DRIS) was made public (4 weeks after the bill was tabled in parliament for discussion). This document does not provide transparent evidence for the questions that the public is asking and the 36 members of the LC have not been given a chance to scrutinise this document.
In Minister Ellery’s comments when she tabled this bill (8 May 2019) she stated that ‘A public health risk has been clarified to include a risk that might forseeably arise from a child not having been immunised against a vaccine-preventable notifiable disease.’
The bill also provides for amendments unrelated to enrolment requirements in the Public Health Act 2016. Specifically, it includes an additional new category of ‘urgently notifiable infectious disease’. This includes related conditions which must be notified within 24 hours rather than 72 hours. These new ‘public health risks’ need scrutinising by the community before they are introduced.
The second reading for this bill is set for 11 June 2019. The community has written to many of their local members and LC members but these representatives have stated that the policy is ‘not part of their portfolio and so they will not be challenging the government with the community’s concerns.’
This policy involves providing evidence for the necessity of the government to infringe upon human rights but the community’s voice is not being represented in the parliament on this issue. Labor, Liberal and Green’s members have stated that they support our postion of choice in all medications but they will not challenge this policy on behalf of the community because their party supports this policy.
Ministers that have refused to meet with us and/or represent our concerns in the discussion in the Legislative Council include: WA Health Minister, Roger Cook and Shadow Health Minister, Sean L’Estrange. Labor Ministers – Sue Ellery, Simone McGurk and Alannah MacTiernan. Liberal Ministers – Peter Collier, Nick Goiran, Steve Thomas and Donna Faragher. Liberal Democrat – Aaron Stonehouse.
LC Members who have met with us but refuse to represent our concerns in the parliament include the Greens – Alison Xamon and Diane Evers.
The evidence for this policy needs to be made transparent to the WA community before this policy, that removes human rights, is implemented in Western Australia. Instead there is a cover-up of the evidence that is showing the harm caused by vaccines in the mainstream media.
The Health Department is promoting vaccines in the media on the anecdotal cases of the harm caused by infectious diseases without providing any context for these cases and it refuses to publicise the anecdotal stories of the deaths and disabilities being caused by vaccines. This is indoctrinating the Australian community with a false balance of the safety of vaccines.
Further evidence of this coverup is provided by an employee of the health system (below) who knows that he/she will be de-registered as a health practitioner by the regulatory board (AHPRA), if they provide evidence of the risk of vaccines because the regulatory board classifies this as presenting ‘anti-vaccination material’.
Here is a letter that I received from an employee of the Fiona Stanley Hospital (23 May 2019) showing the fear that employees have for their jobs if they present the risks of vaccines that they are observing in the hospital. This email was titled ‘Fiona Stanley Cover-Up’ and it was describing the increase in severe adverse reactions to the flu vaccine, including severe anaphylactic reaction that is listed on the package inserts for influenza vaccine, that have resulted in the hospital changing its policy and no longer enforcing mandatory flu shots on its employees.
Instead of this change in policy being publicised to the community to show the risk to human health from the flu vaccine, the West Australian newspaper carried a front page story in big headlines scaring people into getting their flu vaccine.
Introducing Mandatory (12+ Vaccines) Vaccination for Western Australian Children in January 2019.
Since 2016 the Australian federal government has provided parents with welfare benefits up to ~$26,000 per child/ per year if they use all of the mandated (12+) vaccines in their children. This policy means that free and informed consent to vaccination is no longer provided in Australia as the government uses financial coercion to recommend the use of multiple vaccines in children.
These coercive policies mandate a medical intervention for many Australian children because their parents need childcare to go to work. This is a breach of bodily integrity using financial bribes for both doctors and parents.
On the 14 December 2018 the Western Australia (WA) government announced that it was introducing new regulations from 1 January 2019 to improve the vaccination rates for 12-16 diseases in WA. The question is:
‘Does raising the vaccination rate to 95% for 16 diseases improve the health of the population?’ What evidence supports this claim?
The Phase 1 Regulations were implemented by 1 January 2019 and the Phase 2 No Jab No Play bill is being drafted for implementation by 1 July 2019.
The Phase 1 regulations that were implemented on 1 January 2019 were not presented for public consultation before they were implemented (Letter to Roger Cook 25 January 2019) and they were rushed through the parliament over the Christmas period.
The new delegated legislation (regulations) that were added to the current Act includes:
- Requiring all kindergartens, childcare services and WA schools to collect and on request of the Chief Health Officer (CHO) report on the immunisation status of all students.
- The CHO has been given new powers to exclude under-vaccinated children from the facility for a period of time when there is a disease outbreak and when there is no disease outbreak.
- New powers have been given to the CHO so that ‘under-vaccinated’ children can now be excluded from facilities even when there is no outbreak of disease. For example, a child who has come into contact with a disease outside the school but who is not sick can now be excluded from school for a period of time without there being any outbreak in the school or evidence that they pose a risk to other students.
- A person in charge of a childcare service, kindergarten or school can be fined $1,000 for not ensuring that a child’s immunisation records are provided on enrolment.
- A person in charge of a childcare service, kindergarten or school can be fined $10,000 for permiting a child to attend the facility in contravention of a direction from the CHO.
These regulations do not include the requirement for the CHO to maintain a public record of the vaccination status of children who get a case of an infectious disease. This would provide proof that there is a need to remove under-vaccinated children from early childhood/school facilities.
In other words, the government has rushed through new regulations that will ban healthy children from educational facitlites on the assumption that it is the unvaccinated children who are getting these diseases when we know that many vaccinated children are still getting these diseases.
I wrote to WA Premier Mark McGowan on 21 February 2019 asking why the WA government rushed through these new regulations without clarifying the CHO’s new powers and I provided him with the misinformation (Newsletter 223) that he is using to support this policy.
Further, the WA government has not provided any evidence that children’s health has improved with the use of ~16 vaccines from ages 0-14 years of age.
On the 9 March 2019 the West Australian newspaper reported that the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) – the medical board that represents 17,000 doctors and paediatricians plus 8,000 trainees – has stated that it wants an indepentent review into the States that have already implemented the No Jab No Play policies (NSW, Qld and Vic) to determine the effect of these policies on equity of access to early childhood education.
However, the West Australian framed its article (9 March 2019) as WA Doctors plead: don’t delay No Jab No Play. This is a false representation of WA doctors because it is the position of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) – an industry-medical lobby group that represents only 27% of all Australian doctors and an unknown number of doctors from WA.
Why is it necessary to wait for a review when it is plainly obvious that anyone who wants to use less than 16 vaccines in their children will have less access to early childhood education?
The WA premier and the West Australian are promoting No Jab No Play policies solely on the opinion of the AMA that does not represent even 50% of the medical profession.
These new regulations in WA, that have not been scrutinised by the community on whom they will be forced, have not been justified with scientific evidence by the WA government and they have the potential to do significant harm to children’s health due to the genetic variation of the population.
In 2017 when the WA No Jab No Play bill was first discussed in parliament, two members of the concerned WA community met with MLC representative of the Greens, Alison Xamon, to request that she table our petition of hundreds of signatures opposing the introduction of mandatory vaccination (an invasive medical intervention) with 16 vaccines to enrol in childcare facilities in the No Jab No Play bill.
Alison Xamon informed us that even though she agreed with our postion of choice in all medical interventions, including vaccines, she was unable to table our petition in the WA parliament because she was bound by the party position set by the federal Greens leader, Richard Di Natale. This position is to support mandatory vaccination with 12-16 vaccines in children in the No Jab No Play bill – regardless of the genetic diversity of the population – a policy that will cause serious harm to many children.
On the 5 March 2019 I contacted my local representative and WA Shadow Health Minister, Sean L’Estrange, to organise a meeting and discuss my concerns regarding the No Jab No Play Policy in WA based on my university research into government vaccination policies.
I received a response from Sean L’Estrange on 8 March 2019. This member of parliament who is also the Shadow Health Minister refused to meet with me to discuss my concerns and he ignored the 5 questions that I requested he ask in parliament of the current Health Minister, Roger Cook, to provide evidence that this policy was necessary. He suggested that I write to Mr. Cook with my concerns. Here is my follow up letter to Mark McGowan (5 March 2019) when I did not get a response from Roger Cook, the WA Health Minister, to my letter dated (25 January 2019).
Roger Cook provided me with a response to the community’s concerns regarding the Phase 1 regulations on 8 March 2019 – two months after they were implemented on 1 January 2019.
Sean L’Estrange also presented false and misleading information about the use of vaccines in human populations in his letter in which he refused to meet with me about the community’s concerns and he refused to ask the questions of the health minister, Roger Cook, that would provide the evidence for implementing this policy into WA. Here is the response that I have provided to Sean L’Estrange (20 March 2019)
This is a policy that mandates 12+ vaccines in children – many of which have never been used in the adult population and therefore could not have been responsible for creating herd immunity to control these infectious diseases.
In the interests of public health the NJNPlay policy must not be introduced into WA until the government provides evidence of the necessity for this policy. The question of liability for the harm these policies will cause in the population must also be deteremined before the WA government adopts this policy.
All politicians involved in implementing this policy will be held liable for the harm it will cause to childen’s health if they have not provided evidence for the necessity for this policy or evidence that it will not cause significant harm to the health of the community through chronic illness, disability and death.