The biased coverage of the vaccination issue was evident in the media coverage on the 26th November 2012. The ‘vaccine objectors’ were not represented in any of the media articles. In particular I would like to address the coverage by The Project (26.11.12). This media station presented Dr. Rachael Dunlop as the spokesperson for the pro-vaccination side of the debate (and no spokesperson for the ‘vaccine objectors’) without informing the public of her position as the vice-president of the Australian Skeptics Organisation. This organisation uses ridicule and misinformation to influence public opinion and this has been documented on my website here:
This behaviour is confusing the public about the credibility of scientific information and this is relevant to Dr. Rachael Dunlop because she has participated in using these tactics. There are also lobby groups now that are funded by industry and are promoting industry interests.
Currently Rachael Dunlop is presenting a letter on her blog stating that a conference poster that I presented to health professionals at the National Health Promotion Conference in Perth in 2009 ‘should not be viewed on any website at anytime’. She has edited a letter from Murdoch University that stated ‘the Murdoch University logo should not be used on any website at any time’ and has used the imprimatur of the university to misinform the public about this conference poster. Please go to the link above for further details of this deception – this information can be verified by academics at Wollongong and Murdoch universities.
For many years the tobacco industry was involved in producing ‘science’ to confuse the public and this tactic was used to suppress the link between cigarettes and lung cancer. In 1996, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) in the US set up ‘The Council for Media Integrity’ which claims to be concerned with “balanced portrayal of science in the media”. Skeptics groups exist in many countries now and even though they are not a scientific organisation (and may not have direct links to the CSI) the goal of these groups is to influence public opinion through the media and social websites. This goal is stated on their website. It is possible for organised lobby groups to target surveys and bias the results. Surveys that allow anonymous voters can be manipulated.
It is clear that the media is not presenting the issue of vaccination in a balanced manner and the Skeptics have filled the internet with untruthful information about this research and vaccination in general. I hope that you will investigate the ingredients of vaccines before you decide to use 12 vaccines in your infants before they are 12 months old.