The Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health University of Wollongong Australia 19 September 2016 Dear Professor Alison Jones, As I await your response to my previous email (16 September 2016) I would like to address the comments about immunisation that have been promoted by the University of Wollongong (UOW) on its… [Read more]
Open Letter (2), University of Wollongong, “Vaccines can and do Cause Autism And Chronic Illness
Open Letter The Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health University of Wollongong Australia 16 September 2016 Dear Professor Alison Jones, To date I have not received a response to my open letter dated 26 August 2016. This letter requested the supportive evidence for your statements that the link between vaccines and… [Read more]
The Medical Literature Documenting a Possible Link between Vaccines and Autism
In 2001 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) stated an association between mercury exposure and neurodevelopment disorders including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and speech or language delay was biologically plausible and many vaccines contained mercury at this time. The product information for the Tripedia DTaP (2005) vaccine lists autism as an adverse event and… [Read more]
Vaccination Misinformation in The Australian Newspaper by Rick Morton
Rick Morton’s article “University paid for anti-vaccine student to attend conference” (28th January 2014) is an inaccurate account of my presentation on the HPV vaccine at the Cancer Science and Therapy Conference in San Francisco. Morton makes allegations about the procedures of this conference but does not provide any evidence for his statements. In addition,… [Read more]
Community Concern about HPV Vaccine
June 5th, 2013 To The Chief Medical Officer of Australia Here are some signals of the possible harm that HPV vaccine is causing: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) last month revealed that its national Vaccine Injury Compensation Programme (VICP) has awarded $5,877,710 US dollars to 49 victims in claims made against the… [Read more]
Caroline Marcus (Daily Telegraph reporter) owes Sarah Wilson an Apology
Here is my reply to the article written by Caroline Marcus titled ‘Sarah Wilson’s apparent support of the ‘anti-vax’ movement irresponsible’ (11th April 2013): Caroline Marcus has made many unsupported claims in her News Limited media article, one of which is the claim that ‘not-vaccinating your children is irresponsible’. This is untrue and it is… [Read more]
Letter to the Senate Committee re Australia’s draft Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill
Further to my submission to the inquiry (No. 569) which provides evidence of the influence of industry on medical research and government advisory boards, I would like to draw your attention to the situation that currently exists in Australia with respect to childhood vaccination. Although it is claimed in our vaccination policies that ‘vaccination in… [Read more]
Women, Vaccinations and Discrimination in Australia’s draft Human Rights Bill
The issue of vaccination policies and discrimination is a big issue for all Australians but in particular it is a big issue for women. Recent developments in the USA are demonstrating this fact. Australia has recently implemented policies for healthcare workers that require them to have vaccines if they are training for work in clinical… [Read more]
Organisations and websites claiming to be ‘Independent’
There are many organisations and websites appearing on the internet that claim to be ‘independent and not affiliated with any group, organisation, or individual’ and they are claiming that the science against using multiple vaccines is ‘pseudoscientific’. One such website is “Diluted Thinking in Australian Healthcare” which is maintained and operated by Christine Bayne. This… [Read more]
Comments about the adverse reactions to MMR vaccine on Channel 7’s Sunrise program
I would like to recommend that you view this two minute youtube of the Australian Medical Association’s comments about the measles vaccine on the Sunrise program last week. A link to the comments by the AMA president can be found here In this interview Steven Hambleton is asked ‘what are the side-effects of the… [Read more]