Newsletter 274 Say NO to Contact Tracing for Healthy People
Newsletter 273 Vaccine Safety and the Precautionary Principle
Newsletter 272 Government Vaccination Programs and Crimes against Humanity
Newsletter 271 WA Citizens Speak up against Unscientific COVID19 Measures
Newsletter 270 Proof of Causality for COVID19 Disease has not been Provided: Is this the Crime of the Century?
Newsletter 269 A Global Tyranny: Vaccines are Destroying the Genetic Fabric of Society
Newsletter 268 The Great Awakening is happening across the Globe
Newsletter 267 Global Protests against Unscientific Lockdowns, Social Distancing and Medical Testing
Newsletter 266 Australian Government Committing a Crime against Humanity with Coercive Vaccination
Newsletter 265 Vaccines and Anaphylaxis: Government Health Directives
Newsletter 264 The Mainstream Media cannot be Trusted to Provide True Unbiased Information on Vaccines
Newsletter 263 The Definition of a True Pandemic: is COVID19 caused by a virus or the flu vaccine?
Newsletter 262 Legal Action Launched against Prime Minister, Trudeau, for Unlawful Lockdown and Removal of Human Rights
Newsletter 261 A Review of Dr. Judy Wilyman’s Book ‘Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom’.
Newsletter 260 The Mainstream Media is Presenting False and Misleading Information on Disease Control – Globally
Newsletter 259 The 2020 Hoax: A ‘Global Pandemic’ based on False Pharma Science
Newsletter 258 False Pharma Science in a PLandemic used to Control the Population
Newsletter 257 Kawasaki Disease (Vasculitis) is a Side-Effect of Vaccination
Newsletter 256 Plandemic ‘Australia the Stand-Out Losers’ says Nobel-Prize Winner.
Newsletter 255 The Manufactured ‘Pandemic’ and Opposing Mandatory Vaccination and Medical Testing of the Healthy Community in Australia.
Newsletter 254 Coronavirus Fear: The Media’s Deceptive Reporting of COVID19 and Vaccination
Newsletter 253 “COVID19” refers to a Disease with “flu-like Symptoms” – it is not a specific virus!
Newsletter 252: A Police State has been enacted in Australia with Pass Laws to enter the States – “Unconstitutional”.
Newsletter 251: Media Censorship of Academic Information on Coronavirus: Why Social Distancing is Unnecessary in Most Countries
Newsletter 250 Media Propaganda on COVID-19: The Reason why Social Distancing in Australia is Unnecessary. Here is the link to the 12 min video (that YouTube censored 4 April 2020) explaining why social distancing is not necessary in most countries.
Newsletter 249 Medical Tyranny, Forced Vaccination and the E-Health Card to Participate in Society
Newsletter 248 The WHO and the Global Loss of Health Freedom
Newsletter 247 How the World Health Organisation Created a ‘Pandemic’ of a Disease
Newsletter 246 Peter McIntyre (ex-government vaccine advisor) associated with a breach of the Family Law Act
Newsletter 245 Order of Australia Medal Despite Lack of Government Transparency and Accountability
Newsletter 244 A Lack of Government Transparency has Removed Vaccination Choice in Australia
Newsletter 243 Australia’s Democracy Downgraded from ‘Open’ to ‘Narrow’