Newsletter 306 Part 3 Medical Fraud Underpins Australia’s No Jab No Pay Vaccination Policy: the causal link between vaccines and allergies, anaphylaxis, cancer, neurological and autoimmune diseases.
Newsletter 305 Part 2 Medical Fraud Underpins Australia’s No Jab No Pay Vaccination Policy: Governments are providing false information
Newsletter 304 Part 1 Medical Fraud Underpins Australia’s No Jab No Pay Vaccination Policy: Childhood vaccines are not proven safe or effective.
Newsletter 303 Government Crime in Vaccination Policy: Part 2 Vaccination Policies are ‘Sickness’ Policies not Health Policies
Newsletter 302 Government Crime in Vaccination Policy: Part 1 Reversing the Principles that Protect Human Health
Newsletter 301 Big Pharma Designed WHO’s Global Health Policy Directly from 200-2009: Corruption and deception, not science, is the foundation of WHO health policy
Newsletter 300 Australia and the Crime of Coercive Vaccination
Newsletter 299 The Corruption of the World Health Organisation (WHO): One World Government and the International Health Regulations
Newsletter 298 SIDS Now SADS: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Newsletter 297 ‘Unvaccinated’ Does Not Mean ‘Unprotected’.
Newsletter 296 Medical Discrimination in 2021-22 was Never Justified
Newsletter 295 Mark McGowan Resigns as Excess Deaths Explode after Mandatory Jabs
Newsletter 294 The Medical Fraud in Diagnosing COVID19 Disease
Newsletter 293 A Pandemic of the “Vaccinated” in Australia: Formal Complaint Against Vaccine Mandates
Newsletter 292 COVID-19 Vaccination Policy is not a ‘Health’ Policy: ‘vaccinated’ people have increased sickness, death and COVID-19 cases.
Newsletter 291 The Australian Federation Party (AFP) Changing the Two Party System
Newsletter 290 Vote of No Confidence in Western Australian Premier, Mark McGowan
Newsletter 289 Medical Discrimination is Creating an Illusion about an Alleged ‘Vaccine’