Here is the 20 min Freedom Speech that I presented on Sunday 6 December 2020. Please listen to these doctors from all over the world saying there is no true medical pandemic – The Question on Everyone’s Mind: Experts Discuss COVID19 Vaccine and also that the new COVID19 vaccine is experimental and unproven for safety… [Read more]
Say ‘NO’ to Contact Tracing for Healthy People
Please listen to these doctors from all over the world saying there is no true medical pandemic and that the new COVID19 vaccine is experimental and unproven for safety or efficacy. It includes synthetic (recombinant) Coronavirus 2019 (SARSCov-2) and other new technology: The Question on Everyone’s Mind: Experts Discuss COVID19 Vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers are not… [Read more]
Government Vaccination Programs: Crimes Against Humanity
This article has also been published in the Masters of Health Magazine (1 December 2020) – ‘Government Vaccination Programs: Crimes Against Humanity‘ and on the Principia Scientific International website (1 December) – ‘Vaccine Safety and the Precautionary Principle.’ In Australia legal action has started against the government – Prime Minister, Scott Morrison and federal and… [Read more]
Vaccine Safety and Government Misuse of the Precautionary Principle
Here is my article that has recently been published in the journal Science, Public Health and the Law, Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge. The article is titled ‘Misapplication of the Precautionary Principle has Misplaced the Burden of Proof of Vaccine Safety.’ This latest publication demonstrates that governments are misusing the precautionary principle in the… [Read more]
Creating a ‘Global Pandemic’ by Dr. Judy Wilyman (1 October 2020)
‘Creating a Global Pandemic’ by Dr. Judy Wilyman’ (1 October 2020). This article was published in the Masters of Health Magazine on 1 October 2020 and it describes how changes to disease diagnosis and surveillance, and the use of mathematical modelling, can be used to give the appearance of a new disease. If the definition… [Read more]
The Concerned Lawyers Network Speaking against COVID19 Directives in Australia
Globally there are now many experts and organisations who are standing up to challenge the media narrative on COVID19 disease. Recently the Concerned Lawyers Network in Australia described liability and potential claims against the Australian governments for the directives that have been used to control this new coronavirus. The open letter written by this network… [Read more]
My Interview on Real News Australia
Real News Australia: Creating a Global Pandemic – Dr. Judy Wilyman Above is the link to my interview with Real News Australia that discusses the statistical manipulation that has allowed corporations that make up the Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) to influence Global Health Policies in every country. This influence has occurred over… [Read more]
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr: International Message for Freedom and Hope
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr: International Message for Freedom and Hope – a powerful message to the world from Environmental Lawyer, Robert F Kennedy Jr, about the forces that are removing our human rights and health, in all countries, in order for powerful elites to increase their wealth and control of global populations. The One World… [Read more]
WA Citizens Speak up against Unscientific COVID19 Measures
Australia’s response to a new coronavirus in 2020 was clearly unscientific because it was not based on REAL data. (Remember the virus was not in the country when Mr. Morrison applied for emergency pandemic powers on 21 January 2020) You cannot determine how a virus will respond in any country until you observe that specific… [Read more]
Censorship of Public Health Science
Since my PhD on the Control of Infectious Diseases in Australia was published in January 2016 my research has been ridiculed, denigrated and censored by the mainstream media. The Australian government and medical-industry representatives have contributed to this denigration and there has been no public debate of this scientific information. A democracy requires scientific debate… [Read more]