Dear ……, I’m writing to you because of the medical discrimination that many experienced in 2021-22 due to the Australian government’s directive to exclude people who chose not to have the experimental COVID19 injection. These people were labelled ‘unvaccinated’ and removed from social environments and workplaces. At the tennis clubs this resulted in people being… [Read more]
Mark McGowan Resigns as Excess Deaths Explode after Mandatory Jabs (plus a letter to your employer)
The information provided below proves there was never any justification for discriminating against unvaccinated people during the alleged pandemic of 2020-22. Please send this template letter to your employer or club, where you experienced discrimination, to ensure this crime never happens again. In 2021-22 many Australians were subjected to medical discrimination that violated all medical… [Read more]
Australia’s Fair Work Act 2009 used to Remove Informed Consent
Australia’s Fair Work Commission should be independent from the government, but in 2021 it became a tool of the state. This is a situation that has occurred in a similar manner in authoritarian states in the past, including Nazi Germany. Government capture of the Fair Work Commission has significant implications for our fundamental human rights… [Read more]
Australian Doctors Challenging their Regulatory Board – AHPRA
The Australian doctors who are fighting to uphold integrity in their profession are currently challenging their regulatory board, The Australian Health Practitioner’s Authority (AHPRA), on the basis of medical ethics and principles. A new medical society has been set up over the last two years due to the bullying and coercion that has resulted in… [Read more]
Information provided to Council Meetings to Oppose Vaccination Mandates
A vaccine is given to healthy individuals because they are stated to be a preventative and safe medication. However, the injections labelled ‘COVID19 vaccines’ do not prevent the transmission of COVID19 disease in the community and they do not prevent you getting or dying from this disease (TGA). Therefore, they are falsely labelled as a… [Read more]
Medical Exemptions and Informing your Doctor of their Complicity in a Crime
Here is a copy of possible medical exemptions to request from your own doctor as described by UK medical Practitioners, including the link to autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders. The Australian government has set up a COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and there are many contraindications (genetic links to chronic diseases) that people are pre-disposed to… [Read more]
The Australian Government is using Pseudoscience to Commit a Crime under the Nuremberg Code
Nuremberg Code ‘No Government can Mandate or Force Medical Treatment without Individual Consent (Article 6 Section 3)’ Individual consent cannot be given if you are bribed with your ability to earn money to live or participate in society. This is the biggest lie that politicians are currently promoting: coercion is not individual consent. Governments… [Read more]
Australian Researcher tells RFK Jr that Australians are being Terrorised by our Government
Here is my article published in the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) – The Defender with RFK Jr – Australian Researcher tells RFK Jr that Australians are being Terrorised. If you are feeling terrorised by being threatened with the removal from your job for not getting an injection please consider writing to your governor for assistance…. [Read more]
Australia Mandates COVID Injections without Proving Immunity or Safety
On Wednesday 20th October, WA Premier, Mark McGowan, announced that he would be implementing the most “drastic jab mandate” in the country requiring 75% of the work force to be jabbed with the “experimental COVID19 vaccines“. The deadline for these jabs will be 31 January 2022. These COVID19 injections have been mandated for workers across… [Read more]
Webinars on the Politics of the Control of Infectious Diseases by Dr. Judy Wilyman
The Politics of the Control of Infectious Diseases (50 mins) Dr. Judy Wilyman with the Australian League of Human Rights. The Expansion of Government Vaccination Programs (webinar with slides – 50 mins) Dr. Judy Wilyman with the Australian League of Human Rights. The Creation of an Alleged Pandemic (webinar with slides – 50 mins) Dr…. [Read more]