Mainstream media has always been a tool to manipulate public behaviour and when the US Congress removed liability from pharmaceutical companies for any harm caused by any drug labelled a “vaccine” in 1986 (because they were paying millions of dollars in compensation for deaths and injuries), this enabled big pharma to minimise the risks of… [Read more]
Denmark Stops Astrazenica for All Age groups
For Fully Informed Consent for any of the COVID19 vaccines please see – No Jab For Me This document also describes why we are not at risk from asymptomatic spread of this flu-like illness and why we must stop the use of the PCR test in healthy people and those who have mild flu-like illness…. [Read more]
Say ‘NO’ to Contact Tracing for Healthy People
Please listen to these doctors from all over the world saying there is no true medical pandemic and that the new COVID19 vaccine is experimental and unproven for safety or efficacy. It includes synthetic (recombinant) Coronavirus 2019 (SARSCov-2) and other new technology: The Question on Everyone’s Mind: Experts Discuss COVID19 Vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers are not… [Read more]
The Great Awakening: Standing up for Medical Freedom
Hear Professor Delores Cahill speak about the lack of science used to lockdown healthy populations to control a flu-like virus that mutates every year – Why Coronavirus Lockdown is Killing more People than it is Saving: Professor Delores Cahill. PLANDEMIC Part 1: Dr. Judy Mikovits PLANDEMIC Part 2: Indoctrination by the Media – A must… [Read more]
Channel 9’s A Current Affair’s (15 April 2020) Deceptive and Biased Reporting on COVID19
I think it is time that Channel 9 journalists were fined for the misinformation they are providing in their fabricated framing of stories about vaccination. After I sent Newsletter 252 (14 April 2020) to my subscribers I received an email from a reporter, Lauren Golman, from Channel 9’s A Current Affair. She asked if I would do an interview… [Read more]
The Conflicts of Interest in Mandatory Vaccination (12+ Vaccines) in Australia’s Social Services Policies
In Australia from 2005 – 2014 the chair of the Australian government’s vaccine advisory board (ATAGI) who recommends new vaccines for the national vaccination program was Terry Nolan. Prior to this job he was the head of the largest vaccine research and development program in Australia – VirGo (1990 – 2005) – at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI). Further, the mandating of… [Read more]
How the World Health Organisation (WHO) Created a ‘Pandemic’ of a Disease
In 2009 the WHO declared a ‘pandamic’ of a new strain of influenza – Swine Flu 2009. However, in order to create a ‘pandemic’ the WHO/GAVI alliance had to implement political structures that would give them the power to control the populations of 193 member countries when the pandemic was called. These political structures are… [Read more]
My Book ‘Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom’ is now Available
9 March 2020 My Book “Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom” is now available for posting. This book documents the false information provided by the Australian government that ultimately led to the mandating of vaccines for social services and education (early childhood and university) in Australia in 2016. It also led to forced vaccination being included in the… [Read more]
Peter McIntyre’s Lack of Accountability as Ex-Director of Australia’s Vaccination Research Unit (NCIRS)
The Australian government’s National Centre for Immunisation, Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) department is responsible for assessing the research that is provided to the ATAGI (The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) for the recommendation of vaccines to Australia’s national immunisation program (NIP). Peter McIntyre is the ex-director of the NCIRS and through his work at this government research… [Read more]
WA Premier, Mark McGowan, tells Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children to “Bugger Off”.
On the 22 July 2019 the Western Australian government adopted mandatory vaccination policies that will prevent children (0-5 years of age) from attending any pre-compulsory schooling or day care facility without receiving 16 or more vaccines (No Jab No Play policy). This policy was adopted in Western Australia after only 6 days of discussion in the WA parliament… [Read more]