To: ‘’
Cc: ‘Aaron Oakley’; ‘Adam Hodgkins’; ‘Alison Jones’; ‘Amanda Lawson’; ‘Andrew Herring’; ‘Andrew Whelan’; ‘Andy Davis’; ‘Anne Cusick’; ‘Antoine van Oijen’; ‘Benjamin Marwick’; Brian Martin; ‘Bridget Kelly ‘; ‘Chao Deng’; ‘Chris Cook’; ‘Danielle Skropeta’; ‘Darryl McAndrew’; ‘David Garne’; ‘Dianne Jolley’; ‘Dominique Parrish’; ‘Eleanor Beck’; ‘Elizabeth Neale ‘; ‘Flynn Hill’; ‘Glenn Mitchel ‘; ‘Glenn Salkeld’; ‘Grapham Williams’; ‘Heather Yeatman’; ‘Helen Rienits’; ‘Ian Ring’; ‘Ian Wilson’; ‘Ian Wright’; ‘Jennifer Beck’; ‘Joanna Russell’; ‘Joanne Braithwaite’; ‘Judy Mullan’; ‘judy raper’; ‘Julie Steele’; ‘Justin Yerbury’; ‘Karen Charlton’; ‘Karen Walton’; ‘Kate Manderson’; ‘Kathleen Clapham’; ‘Kathy Eagar’; ‘Kylie Mansfield’; ‘Linda Tapsell’; ‘Louella McCarthy’; ‘Louise Wright’; ‘Lyndal Parker-Newlyn’; ‘Martin Engel’; ‘Martina sanderson-Smith’; ‘Michael Zancko’; ‘Michelle Moscova’; ‘Nagesh Pai’; ‘Nicholas Dixon’; ‘Peter McLennan’; ‘Robert Gordon’; ‘Roger Lewis’; ‘Ronald Sluyter’; ‘Russell Pearson’; ‘Sal Sanzone’; ‘Sharon Robinson’; ‘Shev Christian’; ‘Simon Eckermann’; ‘Teresa Treweek’; ‘Tim Marchant’; ‘Trish Mundy’; ‘Vinod Gopaldasani’; ‘Will Price’; ‘William Buttemer’; ‘Xiaoqi Feng’; ‘Yasmine Probst’
Subject: FW: The Censorship of the Australian Vaccination Debate Conference in Sydney
Open Letter
9 July 2018
To UOW Vice- Chancellor, Paul Wellings, UOW academics and the concerned Australian Community,
Dear Professor Wellings and UOW academics/staff,
You can choose not to read this email but as many of you have already signed your names to the promotion of the government’s claims about vaccines on the UOW website – a misuse of the UOW’s logo (because none of the UOW academics that have signed their name to this promotion has researched the information) – then you are already part of the debate and I would hope willing to provide the evidence or scientific arguments to address the community’s concerns. However, to date I note your silence to our concerns about the health information you are providing.
The promotion of government vaccination policies on the UOW website makes the academics who have signed their names to it complicit in the crime against humanity that is being enacted by the Australian government’s coercive and mandatory vaccination policies. If this is not the case then:
Please name the UOW academic that has researched these government claims that you are promoting on the UOW website and provide me with a link to their in-depth research on this topic.
I note that Professor Heather Yeatman, is an expert in nutrition (not vaccination) and there is no link to her in-depth research on vaccination. She cannot be promoting the government’s claims on the basis that she is the president of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) because the PHAA is an organisation that does not provide objective science to the public or government. The PHAA actively supports the industry lobby group SAVN (an offshoot of the non-scientific group the Australian Skeptics Incorporated) with the purpose of suppressing scientific debate on vaccination in Australia (See attachment 1 – the poster presented by SAVN at the PHAA conference that describes how they are suppressing academic debate in Australia and also Elizabeth Hart’s 30 min presentation at the Sydney conference).
Whilst I attended the University of Wollongong the policies that were enforced did not protect my reputation in public debates of my research.
The UOW allowed industry lobby groups to harass me with continual vexatious claims whilst I was completing my PhD at the UOW and to smear my reputation (with false information) in the mainstream media, on social media and on Wikipedia (whilst the university remained silent – information that cannot be corrected (or removed). In addition, the UOW allowed lobby groups to misuse the university logo, the UOW facebook page and the UOW twitter handle to misinform the public about my research.
UOW also allowed me to be harassed by numerous vexatious complaints from SAVN leaders such as Dr. John Cunningham, and my reputation was not protected because these individuals did not have any connection to the University of Wollongong. This meant that they were not subjected to the requirement of confidentiality in the investigations that UOW implemented. (The UOW provided me with an apology for “the unwarranted investigation” but they did not put out a press release to correct the false health information that John Cunningham provided to the public and politicians).
John Cunningham was also permitted to copy the UOW academics into the copied field of emails (that can look like endorsement by the university) that he sent to the public / journalists and contained false and misleading information about my health research – even though he did not have any connection to the University of Wollongong or have any special qualifications in public health. He received an Order of Australia Medal (for Science and Immunisation) in January 2016 just after the publication of my PhD when he wrote many unsupported (non-evidence based) and derogatory newspaper articles about my PhD research (on health). *He does not have any publications or special qualifications in the field of immunisation, vaccination policy or public health.
These practices by UOW are deceiving the public about the credibility of university research in the debate on vaccination programs. This is assisting in the suppression of the medical literature necessary to protect human health.
Here is my latest Newsletter 203 “Conference: The Censorship of the Scientific debate on Vaccination in Australia”
This contains links to my 30 min talk regarding the suppression of the academic literature in Australia on vaccination and Elizabeth Hart’s 30 minute talk describing the complex web of conflicts of interest in politics that is resulting in biased science being used in the government’s coercive and mandatory vaccination policies.
As I mentioned you can choose not to read this information and not to provide a response but this will not address UOW’s participation in deceiving the public about the (false) information your are providing on vaccine safety and efficacy using the university logo and your lack of response does not comply with your charter to provide integrity in academic knowledge.
Kind regards,
Judy Wilyman PhD