I think it is time that Channel 9 journalists were fined for the misinformation they are providing in their fabricated framing of stories about vaccination. After I sent Newsletter 252 (14 April 2020) to my subscribers I received an email from a reporter, Lauren Golman, from Channel 9’s A Current Affair. She asked if I would do an interview… [Read more]
The Conflicts of Interest in Mandatory Vaccination (12+ Vaccines) in Australia’s Social Services Policies
In Australia from 2005 – 2014 the chair of the Australian government’s vaccine advisory board (ATAGI) who recommends new vaccines for the national vaccination program was Terry Nolan. Prior to this job he was the head of the largest vaccine research and development program in Australia – VirGo (1990 – 2005) – at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI). Further, the mandating of… [Read more]
How the World Health Organisation (WHO) Created a ‘Pandemic’ of a Disease
In 2009 the WHO declared a ‘pandamic’ of a new strain of influenza – Swine Flu 2009. However, in order to create a ‘pandemic’ the WHO/GAVI alliance had to implement political structures that would give them the power to control the populations of 193 member countries when the pandemic was called. These political structures are… [Read more]
16 Month-Old Arianna Dies in Childcare in Sydney and Parents Search for Answers.
On 24 August 2018 the Maragol’s saw their daughter Arianna alive for the last time “Sydney parents search for answers more than a year after 16-month-old Arianna died at childcare’ by Julia Baird. This article is written by ABC journalist, Julia Baird, whom I spoke to recently at the Free and Equal Conference hosted by… [Read more]
My Book ‘Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom’ is now Available
9 March 2020 My Book “Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom” is now available for posting. This book documents the false information provided by the Australian government that ultimately led to the mandating of vaccines for social services and education (early childhood and university) in Australia in 2016. It also led to forced vaccination being included in the… [Read more]
Mainstream Media will not Present our Position of Choice in Vaccination
The Australian mainstream media continues to provide false and misleading information about the public’s request for choice in vaccination. The new political party IMOP – the Involuntary Medication Objector’s (VAccination/Fluoride) Party – is being misrepresented as an ‘anti-vaccination’ party. This political party is standing for choice in all medical interventions and vaccines have always been… [Read more]
Richard Di Natale’s (Greens Leader) False Comments on Vaccination made in the Australian Parliament
On 27 June 2013 Richard Di Natale presented information about vaccines and lobby groups in the Australian parliament that was false and misleading. This misinformation has been used to introduce mandatory vaccination in social welfare policies, childcare policies and employment situations in Australia. The false and misleading information provided by Richard Di Natale includes the… [Read more]
Introducing a ‘No Jab No Play’ Policy into Western Australia
The No Jab No Play legislation is a government policy that mandates 16 vaccines for use in children before they can be enrolled in childcare facilities. This enforces 16 vaccines on any child whose parents cannot afford to work without the help of childcare facilities and government subsidies. In addition, the Australian government provides parents… [Read more]
Australian Journalist, Cathy O’Leary, Promoting HPV Vaccine (Cervical Cancer) with Lies
On 2 March 2019 Cathy O’Leary, the ‘Medical Reporter’ for the West Australian newspaper (who does not have any health or medical qualifications) wrote an article titled ‘Anti-vaxxer Gardasil scare campaign unsafe: Health experts‘ Whilst parents want to discuss the risks of vaccines Cathy O’Leary falsely represents the community’s concerns as ‘anti-vaccination’. She further denigrates… [Read more]
The Corruption in the West Australian Media Reporting of Vaccination
On 12 January 2019 Cathy O’Leary wrote an opinion piece on an important health issue in the West Australian newspaper. This reporter has no qualifications in health yet she was asked to write an opinion piece to influence the public on the use of vaccines in the population – a topic that results in political legislation… [Read more]