Here is a copy of possible medical exemptions to request from your own doctor as described by UK medical Practitioners, including the link to autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders. The Australian government has set up a COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and there are many contraindications (genetic links to chronic diseases) that people are pre-disposed to getting.
Governments admit that healthy people can be seriously harmed by this COVID19 injection but they have given indemnity to GP’s for any harm that occurs after the injection. Australian taxpayers will pay the compensation for any deaths and illnesses caused by doctors after the injection, but in order to get this you will need to prove that the drug (‘vaccine’) caused the harm/death.
The government has put the onus of proof of harmlessness of this drug on the public, and not the pharmaceutical companies (that is, the drug has not been proved to be safe before it was marketed in the population) and therefore it is difficult for consumers to prove a causal link in most cases – even though these adverse events have been associated with vaccines for decades. So it is labelled a ‘coincidence’.
You need to document your family history and your pre-disposition to diseases with your doctor before giving consent to this experimental jab. Here is the link to the medical exemption sent out by the Professionals for Medical Informed Consent and Non-Discrimination (PROMIC)
Here is a link to my website blog to see some of the information you should be discussing with your doctor to ensure they are not complicit in this crime of coercive vaccination without providing fully informed consent and medical exemptions. Let them know that their actions will be tried in the International Criminal Courts and the Australian Courts very soon – along with our politicians – if they do not take a stand now.