The Australian doctors who are fighting to uphold integrity in their profession are currently challenging their regulatory board, The Australian Health Practitioner’s Authority (AHPRA), on the basis of medical ethics and principles.
A new medical society has been set up over the last two years due to the bullying and coercion that has resulted in the Australian population being forced into taking an experimental drug in order to maintain their jobs and to participate in Australian society.
This new medical body is called the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) and one of their members will be facing a meeting with AHPRA on 16th August to fight against a suspension due to his questioning of an experimental vaccine. This issue is based on the right for patients to have informed consent to all medications, and also our right to autonomy over our own bodies.
Many doctors have joined this new organisation, AMPS, over the last two years due to the erosion of medical ethics and principles. If the medical profession is going to maintain the respect of the population they will need stand up to this regulatory board that is forcing them to breach these principles.
Many more doctors will also need to stand up with Dr. William Bay when he meets with AHPRA on the 16th of August. He is fighting for the public’s right to fully informed consent for all medications – a guideline that is already included in the doctors Medical Ethical Guidelines and is also enshrined in the international human rights covenants that Australia has signed and ratified.
Please share this link with any doctor that you know – Doctors of Australia (People’s Protest) – so they can support Dr. William Bay in his fight to keep integrity in the medical profession. Doctors must put the patient’s best interest first otherwise they are not practicing ethical medicine. In fact, they will cause sickness and death if they are not permitted to provide informed consent to all drugs.
Also please sign this petition to ensure that the bullying culture is removed from medical issues and that doctors have autonomy to assess the medical literature for themselves and the ability to provide their opinions on all medical interventions – Reform AHPRA and the Medical Board to stop bullying culture from harming our doctors.