11 June 2019
Important Information in this Newsletter:
1) Strategies used by the Australian Government to promote Myths about Vaccines.
2) Peter McIntyre former government vaccine advisor for 20 years associated with a Federal Crime to prevent vaccination being debated in the Australian courts. The Australian Federal Police have not investigated this crime that was committed to suppress the public’s interest health policies.
3) Dr. John Cunningham, leader of SAVN, fabricated allegations of academic misconduct to prevent my research on the whooping cough vaccine being debated in 2015 when mandatory vaccination policies were approved in Australia by Scott Morrison – the current Prime Minister. The medical professional board AHPRA would not investigate this conduct by a medical practitioner.
4) Strategies used to discredit my research to the public and politicians in the mainstream media.
5) In 2017 the Australian Regulatory Board (AHPRA) and the police raided the home of a doctor with 40 years experience for writing valid exemptions to vaccines. In Australia this is being described by AHPRA as providing ‘anti-vaccination material‘ and doctors are de-registered for providing these risks to vaccines. This doctor was de-registered without this issue ever being tried in the Australian courts.
Update on the Mandating of 12+ Vaccines in Western Australia based on False and Misleading Information Provided by Pharmaceutical Lobby Groups to the Health Department
Currently the Western Australian government is discussing the mandating of 12+ vaccines for children to attend organised childcare facilities and to receive childcare benefits. This bill was tabled on 8 May 2019 without providing the public consultation documents (DRIS) that should provide the evidence for proceeding with this policy.
On the 5 June 2019 (4 weeks after the first reading in parliament) the public consultation documents (DRIS) were provided but the public and politicans have not had time to scrutinise this document. The second reading for this policy is scheduled for 11-12 June 2019.
This is a bill that will remove significant human rights from parents and children yet the public’s voice on this issue has been removed from the discussion in the WA parliament. The majority of members of the WA Legislative Council that have been contacted have stated that vaccination is not part of their portfolio therefore they will not be challenging the removal of the public’s right to choice in vaccination in the discussion of this policy in parliament.
When Labor Minister for Education and Training, Sue Ellery, tabled this bill for discussion in parliament on 8 May 2019 she stated the goals that would be achieved by this policy. Here is an analysis of the goals that the WA government have provided to support this policy (Hansard):
1. The Goals Stated by Labor Minister Sue Ellery are not for a ‘Health’ Policy
To increase childhood immunisation (vaccination) rates
To protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases.
Increasing childhood vaccination rates is not the same goal as ‘improving health outcomes’. This is because the evidence shows that children’s health has declined significantly in all developed countries as each new vaccine has been added to the national vaccination programs.
Further, the WA government has not provided evidence that these vaccines are preventing the infectious diseases in the community yet they are labelling them as ‘vaccine-preventable diseases’. (See Question 1 below). Many disease outbreaks are occurring in highly vaccinated populations.
The WA government has not included in this health policy a responsibility to protect against preventable chronic illness only ‘protection from infectious diseases’. The policy therefore cannot be considered a ‘protective health policy’.
There is overwhelming evidence that the chronic illnesses in children are being caused by vaccines as described in the US Department of Justice Reports on the US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the pharmaceutical companies package inserts and the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Minister Sue Ellery’s claim that ‘immunisation is a safe and effective way of protecting against serious infectious diseases’ is not supported by government studies proving the safety of vaccines. Australia and the US use the same vaccines but they are registered in the US and then approved in different countries under different names – without further testing.
2. The Evidence Shows that Higher Immunisation (Vaccination) Rates are Damaging Children and Community Health.
Children’s health has declined significantly over the last two decades as the vaccination program has expanded.
The Australian government has not investigated this plausible causal link between vaccines and chronic illness in children. It is ignoring this medical literature and describing it as ‘anti-vaccination material’.
This evidence of children’s health declining is proof that this policy is not a ‘protective health’ policy. It is a policy to increase the use of vaccines just as the government has stated: It is to ‘improve the immunisation (vaccination) rates in the population’. Industry-medical lobby groups are influencing this policy with donations, lobbying and significant conflicts of interest.
3. There is No Evidence to Support Mandatory Vaccination
The government has not provided any evidence that:
1) Unvaccinated or not ‘fully’ vaccinated children pose a greater risk in society (See Question 1 below) or
2) That vaccines can create herd immunity with a 95% uptake in the population (See Question 2 below) or
Transparent answers to the community’s 6 questions (below) are required to prove that this policy is necessary and beneficial to individual and community health, as claimed by Minister Sue Ellery.
Adverse-events to vaccines occur in genetically diverse populations’ therefore mandating this medical intervention for 12+ vaccines will result in significant harm in the Australian population.
This policy is clearly not for a legitimate public health policy because it is discriminatory and the majority of adults have never used the 12-16 vaccines that are now being mandated for children to participate in society. This is evidence that the vaccines did not control these diseases in the Australian community because they have never been used with a 95% uptake rate to reduce the deaths and illnesses in any developed country. (Refer: PhD Fact Sheet)
There is evidence that some vaccines are effective in preventing these diseases in some individuals but this is dependent upon each person’s genetic-make-up – family history. There is no evidence to mandate any vaccine in genetically diverse populations. This will cause serious damage to the genetic fabric of society and it will cause great and unecessary anxiety and hardship to parents. In addition we will continue to see a decline in health in children and the community.
The Six Questions that the WA Government has not Answered to Justify this Policy:
1) The statistics for the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in WA per year:
i) getting these 12 diseases and
ii) dying of these 12 diseases?
2) Name any population/country that has used these 12 vaccines with a 95% uptake rate to control the disease?
3) Provide the statistics that show that the overall health of WA children (infectious diseases and chronic illness) has improved since 1990 when the vaccination program expanded.
4) i) Has the health minister been informed of the ingredients of the 12 vaccines and the serious adverse-events that are listed on the package inserts from the vaccine manufacturers?
ii) Please provide a link to your knowledge of the ingredients of vaccines and their side-effects.
5) i) What percentage of WA children will die or be harmed by using 12 vaccines?
ii) How are the latent effects of the chemicals in the vaccines and the interaction with individual genetics being monitored in WA?
iii) What adverse events (AE’s) have been included in the government’s risk assessment for using 12 vaccines in 0-4 year old children and what is the frequency of these AE’s in this demographic of the population?
6) i) Why has the government reduced the medical exemptions to vaccination that are linked to family genetics (disease pre-disposition) that were previously contraindications to vaccination and
ii) Why has the government removed our religious and conscientious freedom to choose not to use this medical intervention?
These myths about vaccines have been promoted by the Australian Government’s National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Unit (NCIRS) over the last 20 years and this would explain why the former director of the NCIRS, Peter McIntyre, has attempted to censor my academic research with false information.
He was also involved in a court case in which the government’s team of lawyers leaked my affidavit to the media. This is a federal crime and it has been reported to the Australian Federal Police. After 5 months I have not had a response to my notification of this incident that involves the public’s interest in health policies.
Judy Wilyman PhD
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy‘ (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies) , UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website Vaccination Decisions
Some of the Ingredients in Vaccines:
Did you know that antibiotics are in most vaccines? Many people are allergic to antibiotics and using any vaccone carries the serious risk of anaphylactic shock to this and many other vaccine ingredients. Are you being informed of this before you give consent to givng your newborn baby a vaccine?
Here is a link to the Australian government’s list of ingredients in vaccines and the US CDC’s list of ingredients that is not provided to politicians, doctors or parents before vaccines are given to children.
Please consider whether you want these substances injected into the tissues of your new born infant before the blood brain barrier is developed at 6 months of age or their other body systems. These ingredients and more are present in vaccines and the vaccination schedule has expanded to 16 vaccines requiring 52 doses from birth to adolescence.
And the ‘new norm’ – allergies, anaphylaxis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), autoimmune disorders (diabetes, childhood rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, multiple schlerosis etc.), thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), autism, speech delay, neurological disorders, encephalopathy, meningitis, ADHD, childhood cancers, and many more…..
But your doctor will inform you that this is ‘just a coincidence‘ because the MBA and the Australian government have never funded a causality study that would disprove this association. That is, a study that uses an inert placebo in the unvaccinated trial group to prove the safety of each vaccine over an appropriate time period that includes the delay in the appearance of these diseases – or the safety of the combination of vaccines on the government schedule:
Antibiotics: Neomycin, Polymxin, Gentamicin, Kanamycin
Aluminium hydroxide
Aluminium hydroxide/phosphate
Aluminium phosphate
Thimerosal (50% mercury compound) (flu vaccine multidose vials and infanrix-hexa and hep B 2013)
Borax (‘sodium borate’ – causes infertility and is found in HPV vaccines and hep A)
Polysorbate 80
Egg protein
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Supporting Public Interest Research
I would like to thank everyone who has supported my research and newsletters over the last 5-10 years. If you have appreciated this unfunded independent research and debate of children’s health I hope you will consider a $5 donation for the up-keep of my website and continuation of my voluntary newsletters.
Only funded research is promoted to the public and universities do not promote student research. Hence the need for my website and newsletters to promote my independent research that is in the public interest.
My website Vaccination Decisions became necessary because the University of Wollongong is not required to rectify the academic record to the public when organised lobby group activists, such as Australian Skeptic Inc / SAVN, and other activists from the powerful industry-medical complex provide false information about my university research in the mainstream media.