with Judy Wilyman PhD
Welcome from Judy Wilyman PhD
I set this site up to assist the public to make informed decisions about vaccination.
Governments globally are recommending the use of multiple vaccines in infants to prevent infectious diseases yet the long-term health effects of the combined schedule of vaccines has never been tested for safety. The proof that vaccines have not been adequately tested for safety and efficacy is provided in my PhD thesis published by the University of Wollongong. [Read more]
I have been studying the vaccination topic both formally and informally since 1993 when I vaccinated my first child. Like most people questioning vaccines, I have not come from an anti-vaccination position and the debate is not about pro- or anti-vaccination. It is about the safety, efficacy and necessity for each vaccine on the schedule. Are they all safe? And are they all effective and necessary? In 2015 I completed a PhD at the University of Wollongong answering these questions. My thesis is titled ‘A critical analysis of the Australian Government’s rationale for its vaccination policy.’ [Read more]
On the 25 July 2020 I did an interview with Bryn Edwards for WA Real. It was titled “A Question of Medical Freedom and Sovereignty over our own Body – Dr. Judy Wilyman. This interview describes my journey.
In October 2019 Dr. James Lyons Weiler, a Research Scientist provided an endorsment of my PhD research. Here is my interview on his program titled Unbreaking Science (Dr. Judy Wilyman PhD). In this interview I described how the Australian government ignored and actively suppressed the risks of vaccines and their role in causing chronic illness in children. [Read more]
Here are the forms to use for Refusal and Indemnity for Mandatory/Coercive Vaccination
Our quality of life is dependent upon our health. In a world where we are increasingly exposed to toxins and where our experts are increasingly depending upon industry funding, it is important to know that the information you are receiving is balanced, non-biased and evidence-based. [Read more]
Help to maintain our right to informed consent for all medical interventions by contributing to this cause. This information has been provided from unfunded research and I have made it available on this website because it is in the public interest. Your donation is greatly appreciated. Please donate here.