The Australian Federation Party’s Values: a party for the people’s voice “We have seen you and we have heard you”.
Candidates for the AFP across Australia
Judy Wilyman WA Senate Candidate (Donations for my political campaign)
Video footage of protests in Perth, WA from 2020-22 against medical mandates: Hold the Line! Kelly Newton-Wordsworth.
The Australian federal election has been called for the 21 May 2022 and it is up to Australians to stand against the tyranny of the last two years. This election, more than any other, is about the corruption that is dominating the Australian political system.
This corruption has significantly increased under the Liberal government of the past 9 years, and it has been supported by the Nationals, Labor and the Greens. Enough is Enough!
Fundamental rights have now been removed as these parties implement the digital identity and financial system that has been enabled using the vaccine passport for the alleged global pandemic.
The Australian Federation Party is taking back our country for the people by implementing procedures that will allow true representative democracy in the Australian parliament. We want to maintain sovereignty of our country and get the people’s voice back in the parliament.
This will be done by:
1) Having regular monthly Town Hall meetings with your elected AFP member for feedback on issues of concern.
2) Elected AFP members will be allowed to vote independent of party lines if the policy is not aligned with the people’s needs and expectations.
3) New bills will be assessed by a People’s Legislative Review Group in each electorate that will provide feedback to the Australian parliament.
4) Technology will be used to assist in democracy and not in the control and surveillance of the population, as is happening under the Liberal and Labor governments.
Over the last few decades political decisions have been made that protect corporate interests in Australian government policies, and not the people’s interest, and these are harming our health and quality of life. NOW is the time for change!
The Australian Federation Party also pledges to support all the minor freedom parties that do not believe that bribing people with a drug, for their fundamental human rights, is either a choice or ethical. Values need to be returned to our system of governance.
Please look out for the Tick Freedom alliance to find out which minor parties are joining together to support the principles of representative democracy in this country. This means we will be preferencing each other to form an alliance on these issues. In particular, the AFP, IMOP and GAP will be supporting each other.
The AFP believes in the medical ethics and principles in the ethical guidelines for doctors but since 2009, doctors have been unable to abide by these ethics because the government took over the control of the medical regulatory board called – The Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authoratory (AHPRA).
These ethical guidelines for doctors include fully informed consent to all medications/vaccines, without coercion, manipulation, or pressure (as stated in the Australian Immunisation Handbook (Ed. 10)). These ethical principles have also been included in the International Human Rights Covenants that the Australian Government has ratified for decades – but is now violating.
The Liberal government has also fought the establishment of a Federal Independent Integrity Commission for nine years and the corruption in our government has now reached a peak. This is due to the significant conflicts of interest in government advisory boards and in particular, a Therapeutic Goods Administration board that is 100% funded by the industries whose drugs they approve. This is called a cost-recovery system to hide the fact that the fox oversees the hen house.
Please take the time to view our policies on our website and visit us on Facebook, Telegram, YouTube and Instagram.