Stephen Crothers, is an Australian Scientist, Occupational Hygienist, and Forensic Investigator (11 October 2021). Here is a link to his Open Letter to the Australian people in full – Open Letter.
False Information Provided by the Australian Government about a Medical Intervention
Professor Skerritt has stated before Parliament that the COVID-19 vaccine programme is ‘an experiment’. The Federal Minister of Health, Greg Hunt, has publicly stated that the COVID-19 vaccine programme is ‘the biggest clinical trial in history’, that is, an experiment. Yet Australian citizens are not being told that by submitting to the so-called ‘vaccine’ programme they are being roped into a medical experiment, that they are subjects in a massive clinical trial.
Australian citizens are therefore being drafted into a medical experiment without their informed consent, contrary to their human rights and their statutory rights. Being an experiment, the nature and likelihood of any adverse effects of the biochemical agents being injected into them is completely unknown.
The biochemical agents have not been proven to be safe by the very fact that the population at large is raw material for the experiment. Such a procedure is contrary to all scientific and medical protocols for determining the safety of a medical agent. Never before has there ever been such a reckless disregard for the lives and health of a population in the name of medicine, provided one ignores the methods employed by the Nazis during WWII on their civilian captives under the direction of the psychopath Dr. Josef Mengele.
In a letter (see Annexure 8) dated 26 October 2020 to NSW Police Commissioner Michael Fuller, Senior Constable Alexander Cooney informed the Commissioner of salient scientific facts that refute the claims and the directives of the NSW Director of Public Health and NSW politicians about the alleged COVID-19 pandemic and drew the Commissioner’s attention to potential violations of civil and criminal law by the actions of the NSW Police Service at the direction of the Commissioner.
The Commissioner has apparently paid no heed to the advice. Senior Constable Cooney has now resigned from the NSW Police Service because he was ostracised and impeded by NSW Police Commissioner Michael Fuller. Mr. Cooney has since addressed the Australian people in this video: Message from Alexander Cooney to all Police Officers in Australia:
In a letter (see Annexure 9) dated 29 November 2020 to NSW Police Commissioner Michael Fuller, Senior Constable Kevin Dawson confirmed the points made by Senior Constable Cooney and drew the Commissioner’s attention to potential violations of civil and criminal law by the actions of the NSW Police Service at the direction of the Commissioner relative to the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. The Commissioner has apparently paid no heed to the advice.
The fate of Senior Constable Dawson for putting the NSW Police Commissioner on notice is not publicly known at this time. On 20 December 2020 the Federal Government treasonously amended the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) (see Annexure 10) whereby, at the arbitrary declaration of a ‘natural disaster’ or a ‘state of emergency’ by the Federal Government, foreign military forces and foreign police forces can be brought into Australia.
There is no restriction whatsoever on the source of such forces in the amended legislation and all such forces have been given total indemnity from civil and criminal liability for whatever they do to the person of Australian citizens or their property. This clearly has the very real potential effect of neutralising Australian military forces and all Australian police forces, contrary to the interests of Australian citizens.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever of a COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, as Senator Pauline Hansen has effectively stated numerous times in news reports and as Mr. Alan Jones has also stated numerous times in news reports; as a number of Australian scientific experts not employed by government have proven by scientific analyses of data available from Australian public authorities themselves.
Mr. Jones has correctly reported many times that 99.9% of the alleged cases of COVID-19 fully recover and that 99.6% of cases are mild, and that of the 0.1% that do not fully recover, the majority of those who die are elderly, suffering from other serious diseases. Moreover, cases of a disease are patients who exhibit symptoms of disease. The ‘cases’ reported in Australia are merely positives on an RT-PCR, which means nothing.
I urge you all to watch carefully the following video presentations by prominent people addressing the world:
(1) Lord Jonathan Sumption, former Justice of the UK Supreme Court has explained to the world that the measures currently being employed against society in the name of public health are unjustified: Lord Jonathan Sumption discusses the Coronavirus shutdown and the terror of the police state:
(2) US attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has addressed the world on the unjustified COVID-19 oppression of all citizens in this message: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – International Message for Freedom and Hope: Children’s Health Defence,
(3) German speaker Mr. Ernst Wolff has explained the politico-economic objectives driving the COVID-19 fraud (in German but with English subtitles) in this powerful address from Germany:
(4) Mr. John O’Looney, English undertaker, interviewed by German international lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, presents the facts from the coal-face: Dr Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Funeral Director John O’Looney:
Brett Sutton, Chief Medical Officer for Victoria, has publicly stated that for the past two years there has been no influenza in Victoria. Since when does influenza disappear and if true why then influenza vaccinations for medical personnel and people visiting their loved ones in aged cage facilities and hospitals?
Australian Government statistics also assert that there have been no deaths in the country from influenza for a year: a scientific impossibility. John Skerritt, the TGA, and public health officers all over the country have repeatedly asserted in the media that the COVID-19 agents they call ‘vaccines’ are carefully screened for their safety.
However, it is in fact a scientific impossibility to develop a vaccine in less than one year and claim that it has been proven to be safe. Moreover, as already explained herein, the so-called ‘vaccine rollout’ is a massive clinical trial, an experiment, and the experiment has not proven that the biochemical agents being used are safe.
Generally, it takes 7 to 10 years to conduct adequate tests and observations to determine the safety profile of a vaccine. Similarly, medicines must undergo long-term tests and observation to determine safety profiles before they can be brought to market. This has not occurred with the COVID-19 biochemical agents being called ‘vaccines’.
I could present to you a great deal of additional information proving that the COVID19 pandemic is a hoax but to do so would lead to a massive volume of documents. With what I have given to you herein you have enough to understand the fraud and to investigate further if you wish. Our major political parties have betrayed us for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.
I suggest that you help to vote them out of office at the first opportunity and replace them with an entirely new political representation. Thereafter all the perpetrators of and collaborators in this heinous crime against us must be brought to justice and face the full force of the true Rule of Law.