14 April 2020
The Doctors Ethical Code of Conduct under the World Medical Association states “Doctors must not use their medical knowledge to remove human rights“.
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge and give my condolences to those families that have been affected by the current disease outbreak. However, to date the statistics that we have been given via the media do not prove that there is a serious risk from the new COVID-19 coronavirus strain. This newsletter describes how medical statistics can be used to manipulate an increase or a decrease in a disease and it provides the reason why our freedom should not be removed based on medical knowledge.
What you can do:
1) Remove the propaganda – Turn your TV off and do not buy newspapers.
2) Protest action whilst Social Distancing – My Exercise Plan During the Lockdown (2mins)
3) Assist the AVN to contact politicians to make them accountable for these unnecessary removal of freedoms – Email your State Government – to object to mandatory flu vaccination and to mandatory vaccination for students and employees.
4) Support the Informed Medical Options Party (IMOP) – Press Release 7 April 2020
5) Re-educate yourselves and understand why all populations are not susceptible to mutated viruses. My book – Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom – is now available.
The Australian government NCIRS has attempted to denigrate my research because I have shown that children’s health has significantly declined as the Australian government added vaccines to the vaccination program. Peter McIntyre and Margaret Burgess are the founding directors of the NCIRS and they did not invesigate this link. Here is my rebuttal of the false information they have provided about my research in the Vaccine journal – 3 years after my PhD research was published – Judy Wilyman’s response to Peter McIntyre and Margaret Burgess’s Vaccine article that attempts to discredit my PhD.
The Australian Police State (The Police State is Here – Sydney Criminal Lawyers):
Did you know that the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, declared a ‘pandemic’ of this mutated flu-like virus (the cause of the common cold/flu) in Australia on 21 January 2020 prior to the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring this new strain to be a ‘global pandemic’ on 11 March 2020.
To date (April 2020) the Australian Health department has not provided any deaths to COVID-19 that did not have underlying health issues or other strains of flu viruses present as well (Sir John Walsh, Chief Justice – at 29.30 mins and 55 mins and 1 07 38 mins).
This is called co-morbidity and doctors can use statistics to create the appearance of a new risk by changing the classification of disease or death. That is, listing the cause of death to one strain of flu when multiple strains and other health issues are present.
A medical tyranny is now being used in Australia to bring in a police state. The healthy population has been locked down and banned from gathering by using manipulated disease and death statistics to create the appearance of a ‘global pandemic’ of a disease.
There are always multiple strains of virus present in any flu-like illness or death and identifying just one flu strain and linking it as the main cause of death, when there are other underlying conditions that are not being mentioned, gives the appearance of a ‘new’ disease.
This is particularly the case when the mainstream media, a propaganda tool, is used to publicise every “case” and death in which this strain of virus is identified to create fear in the population about a ‘new’ disease. The risk of any mutated coronavirus (that cause the common cold) cannot be determined until you compare the yearly deaths to flu-like illnesses to deaths in past years.
This has not been done and when Scott Morrison triggered the “pandemic blueprint” designed by the GAVI alliance, that is, Bill Gates and the corporations, in January 2020, he set in train actions on “health” that were not designed by the Australian government for the Australian situation.
This has enabled Australia to be controlled by outside forces because our government signed up to the International Health Regulations – regulations that are idesigned by corporations that can profit from our health (GAVI alliance) but we have been told that they are designed by the WHO.
The Australian public has been deceived by our government when they signed up to the IHR. We have not given our consent to the actions that have been designed by Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical companies to profit from our health. This act by our government has betrayed the people because the directives that have been triggered will harm human health and not promote health in the population.
Manipulated disease statistics are being used to enact ‘Pass’ laws that will require people to present papers in order to move between the states. This has been brought in without a definitive end to this marshall law and without using objective health information based on the Australian situation to enact these laws.
The Australian health department has falsely claimed that the whole population is susceptible to this mutated flu virus when this is not true. Viruses cannot cause disease on their own. They need the interaction of environmental and host factors to become pathogenic i.e. disease causing. This means that you will not get a global pandemic of any naturally occurring virus/bacteria because of the different envrionmental and host characteristcs in every country.
The suggestion of a ‘global pandemic’ is a fictitious claim promoted by Bill Gates through education campaigns to doctors and the public that allow him to profit from our health – The 7-Step Recipe for Creating Vaccine Demand – The fact that viruses are only pathogenic under certain conditions also means that you cannot predict a global pandemic using a mathematical model that uses the same parameters for every country.
Global pandemics have been depicted in many movies based on the false premise that most people are susceptible to getting a disease if they get a paritcular virus. Bill Gates does not have any formal qualifications in any scientific or health field yet he is controlling global health policies through the influence of his money and the suppression of the risks of vaccines.
Since the lockdown of the healthy population the following directives have been enacted through the International Health Regulations (designed by Bill Gates and the GAVI alliance) that willl significantly harm human health. A significant factor in creating health is socialising (social capital) yet this has been removed indefinitely:
No Socialising or gatherings of more than 2 people.
All preventative dental and medical services have been suspended.
Some Aged-Care facilities are preventing residents from having any visitors.
The flu vaccine will be made mandatory for all visitors and healthcare workers in aged-care facilities on 1 May 2020. This will cause deaths and illness that will allow the medical authorities to tell you via the media that they are due to COVID-19 – no evidence provided.
Vaccines are being made mandatory for many employees in Australia.
Tennis nets have been removed from the tennis courts, gyms closed and golf courses reduced to minimal attendance – all health promoting activities that can be done in small groups.
Beaches and national parks closed for recreation that would relieve the stress from isolation.
A greater police presence and citizen enforcers are policing these directives so stress and anxiety will increase in the population. The media is using bullying tactics to incite action against those who are not ‘socially responsible’.
The government is increasing funding for domestic violence because it knows that these ‘prison-like conditions’ will increase tension and violence in households.
Whilst in lockdown and unable to protest the government is rolling out 5g and extra surveillance measures in the population.
Once mandatory vaccination and 5g are implemented these measures will cause disease and death that will allow the government to present these statistics as COVID-19 deaths/illness and the government can then use this data to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine. This will be available in ~6 months time without proper safety or efficacy testing.
You are being told to only get your health information from medical doctors/nurses and the government who are educated by the medical-pharma complex (and of course the mainstream news owned by media moguls).
Do these sound like measures that will promote health in the population? It is predicted that domestic violence alone will harm many more Australians than the risk from COVID-19.
In Australia the ethical code of conduct for medical doctors was breached in November 2015 when the Australian government approved the mandatory vaccination legislation that now prevents Australian children (0-5 years old) from attending school without 12-16 vaccines. These vaccines were mandated in social services legislation even though there was no legitimate public health law that mandated any vaccine in the Australian population. To date the Australian government has refused under the freedom of information (FOI) act to release the science that it relied upon to link this drug to social services policies.
Please look at the following videos and join us in taking action to prevent the unjustified removal of our freedoms due to the influence of health directives that have not been designed by the Australian government.
Videos to Watch:
1) The 7-Step Recipe for Creating Vaccine Demand
2) Emergency Tribunal Hearing: Corona Pandemic and Planetary Shutdown
3) The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19
4) Re-educate yourselves and understand why all populations are not susceptible to mutated viruses. My book – Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom – is now available. The Australian government NCIRS has attempted to denigrate my research because I have shown that children’s health has significantly declined as the Australian government added vaccines to the vaccination program. Peter McIntyre and Margaret Burgess are the founding directors of the NCIRS and they did not invesigate this link. Here is my rebuttal of the false information they have provided about my research in the Vaccine journal – 3 years after my PhD research was published – Judy Wilyman’s response to Peter McIntyre and Margaret Burgess’s Vaccine article that attempts to discredit my PhD.
Judy Wilyman PhD
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy‘ (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies) , UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website Vaccination Decisions
Some of the Ingredients in Vaccines:
Did you know that antibiotics are in most vaccines? Many people are allergic to antibiotics and using any vaccone carries the serious risk of anaphylactic shock to this and many other vaccine ingredients. Are you being informed of this before you give consent to givng your newborn baby a vaccine?
Here is a link to the Australian government’s list of ingredients in vaccines and the US CDC’s list of ingredients that is not provided to politicians, doctors or parents before vaccines are given to children.
Please consider whether you want these substances injected into the tissues of your new born infant before the blood brain barrier is developed at 6 months of age or their other body systems. These ingredients and more are present in vaccines and the vaccination schedule has expanded to 16 vaccines requiring 52 doses from birth to adolescence.
And the ‘new norm’ – allergies, anaphylaxis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), autoimmune disorders (diabetes, childhood rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, multiple schlerosis etc.), thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), autism, speech delay, neurological disorders, encephalopathy, meningitis, ADHD, childhood cancers, and many more…..
But your doctor will inform you that this is ‘just a coincidence‘ because the MBA and the Australian government have never funded a causality study that would disprove this association. That is, a study that uses an inert placebo in the unvaccinated trial group to prove the safety of each vaccine over an appropriate time period that includes the delay in the appearance of these diseases – or the safety of the combination of vaccines on the government schedule:
Antibiotics: Neomycin, Polymxin, Gentamicin, Kanamycin
Aluminium hydroxide
Aluminium hydroxide/phosphate
Aluminium phosphate
Thimerosal (50% mercury compound) (flu vaccine multidose vials and infanrix-hexa and hep B 2013)
Borax (‘sodium borate’ – causes infertility and is found in HPV vaccines and hep A)
Polysorbate 80
Egg protein
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Supporting Public Interest Research
I would like to thank everyone who has supported my research and newsletters over the last 5-10 years. If you have appreciated this unfunded independent research and debate of children’s health I hope you will consider a $5 donation for the up-keep of my website and continuation of my voluntary newsletters.
Only funded research is promoted to the public and universities do not promote student research. Hence the need for my website and newsletters to promote my independent research that is in the public interest.
My website Vaccination Decisions became necessary because the University of Wollongong is not required to rectify the academic record to the public when organised lobby group activists, such as Australian Skeptic Inc / SAVN, and other activists from the powerful industry-medical complex provide false information about my university research in the mainstream media.