29 January 2018
John Cunningham is a leader of the SAVN lobby group that uses abuse, ridicule and false information to reduce the credibility of university research. Professor Brian Martin has written several articles on the abuse and harassment that my research has received from the SAVN lobby group that is supported by corporations and promoted (at the almost 100% industry-funded) Australian Immunisation Conference run by the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).
In his article Emeritus Professor Brian Martin states:
“I have studied issues of intellectual freedom for many years; never have I heard of a campaign against a research student more relentless and abusive than the one against Judy.”
Whilst the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wollongong, Professor Paul Wellings, has stated that students are expected to debate their research through the ‘appropriate channels’, these channels have not been open to me because of the influence of powerful industry lobby groups in the Australian media and the way in which the University of Wollongong (UOW) has allowed organised lobby groups to use and misuse its policies to discredit university research on vaccination.
On the 26 january 2016 Dr. John Cunningham, who has no qualifications in public health, immunology or vaccination policy received an Order of Australia Medal for ‘Immunisation and Science’ one week after he had published his false and derogatory comments about my university research on vaccines in the Australian newspaper.
This award was publicised by the industry-associated lobby group – Australian Skeptics Inc. John Cunningham is a medical doctor specialising in the spine and he is an activist for a lobby group that uses inappropriate strategies to suppress scientific debate of vaccination in Australia. He has no published articles in the field of public health, immunology or vaccination policy.
This conduct by John Cunningham, a medical practitioner, was reported to the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA) in March 2017 and I have not received a conclusion to this notification. My complaint is in regards to his:
1. Promotion of false and derogatory comments about my university research and the inappropriate methods that he has used to promote his false and misleading opinions of my research.
2.Conduct in fabricating allegations about my whooping cough research that were baseless and harmed my reputation in public debates. This is dangerous to population health because the University of Wollongong (UOW) was not required to rectify the false comments and allegations about my research in a public press statement.
My complaint was dismissed by AHPRA in September 2017 on the grounds that he cannot be spreading false and misleading information about vaccination “based on accepted scientific-evidence”. But this is not my complaint. John Cunningham has spread false and misleading information about accepted university research on vaccines.
In addition, my complaint was about his conduct as a medical professional in making fabricated, anonymous complaints about a university student”s research, eight years after the research was completed and by misusing the university’s complaint procedures to do this. The only outcome that was achieved was to harm my reputation in public debates with false allegations. This is not a demonstration of a commitment to academic integrity in scientific debates.
A lack of integrity in academic debates is dangerous to public health and this is compounded by the University of Wollongong’s policies because they are not required to rectify the false and harmful allegations about student research in a public press statement.
This allows professional activists such as John Cunningham to succeed in confusing the public (and politicians) about the credibility of the academic literature on vaccinations and this results in harmful health policies.
In October 2017 I challenged AHPRA’s dismissal of my notification on these grounds and I am still waiting for their response. I will publicise their response as soon as I receive it.
One Australian politician who has been influenced by John Cunningham and SAVN’s false information is the leader of the Australian Greens Party, Richard Di Natale. He has mislead the Australian Parliament about the activities of SAVN and some of their activists (also with no health qualifications) that have abused Australian citizens in public debates.
If Australia’s mandatory and coercive vaccination policies were about the HEALTH of Australians the government and the University of Wollongong would not be contributing to the suppression of the academic debate. Here is a link to my PhD thesis that provides evidence of the harm these policies are causing to human health.
Judy Wilyman PhD
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy‘ (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies) , UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website Vaccination Decisions
Some of the Ingredients in Vaccines:
Did you know that antibiotics are in most vaccines? Many people are allergic to antibiotics and using any vaccone carries the serious risk of anaphylactic shock to this and many other vaccine ingredients. Are you being informed of this before you give consent to givng your newborn baby a vaccine?
Here is a link to the Australian government’s list of ingredients in vaccines and the US CDC’s list of ingredients that is not provided to politicians, doctors or parents before vaccines are given to children.
Please consider whether you want these substances injected into the tissues of your new born infant before the blood brain barrier is developed at 6 months of age or their other body systems. These ingredients and more are present in vaccines and the vaccination schedule has expanded to 16 vaccines requiring 52 doses from birth to adolescence.
And the ‘new norm’ – allergies, anaphylaxis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), autoimmune disorders (diabetes, childhood rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, multiple schlerosis etc.), thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), autism, speech delay, neurological disorders, encephalopathy, meningitis, ADHD, childhood cancers, and many more…..
But your doctor will inform you that this is ‘just a coincidence‘ because the MBA and the Australian government have never funded a causality study that would disprove this association. That is, a study that uses an inert placebo in the unvaccinated trial group to prove the safety of each vaccine over an appropriate time period that includes the delay in the appearance of these diseases – or the safety of the combination of vaccines on the government schedule:
Antibiotics: Neomycin, Polymxin, Gentamicin, Kanamycin
Aluminium hydroxide
Aluminium hydroxide/phosphate
Aluminium phosphate
Thimerosal (50% mercury compound) (flu vaccine multidose vials and infanrix-hexa and hep B 2013)
Borax (‘sodium borate’ – causes infertility and is found in HPV vaccines and hep A)
Polysorbate 80
Egg protein
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Supporting Public Interest Research
I would like to thank everyone who has supported my research and newsletters over the last 5-10 years. If you have appreciated this unfunded independent research and debate of children’s health I hope you will consider a $5 donation for the up-keep of my website and continuation of my voluntary newsletters.
Only funded research is promoted to the public and universities do not promote student research. Hence the need for my website and newsletters to promote my independent research that is in the public interest.
My website Vaccination Decisions became necessary because the University of Wollongong is not required to rectify the academic record to the public when organised lobby group activists, such as Australian Skeptic Inc / SAVN, and other activists from the powerful industry-medical complex provide false information about my university research in the mainstream media.