I would like to recommend that you view this two minute youtube of the Australian Medical Association’s comments about the measles vaccine on the Sunrise program last week. A link to the comments by the AMA president can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVoFtbU6tls&feature=youtu.be
In this interview Steven Hambleton is asked ‘what are the side-effects of the MMR vaccine?’ and the 2 side-effects that are mentioned are an increase in temperature and redness at the injection site. This is in contrast to the information from the World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE). This website is set up by an educational institution that is advocating for the reform of mass vaccination programs. Its board is composed mostly of doctors and scientists (please view the board members on the WAVE website) http://www.novaccine.com/about.asp
This website lists many serious adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine which were not mentioned on the Sunrise program. The public is not being fully informed of the ingredients of vaccines or the adverse effects of vaccines. Here is the list of adverse reactions to MMR vaccine taken from the WAVE website:
The MMR vaccine is associated with serious adverse reactions including permanent nervous system damage and thrombocytopenia, meningitis, central nervous system disorders, peripheral neuropathies, Guillane-Barre syndrome and transverse myletis (a paralysing disease of the spinal cord).Long-term effects are unknown. There have been no long-term safety studies regarding MMR to date.
This information can be viewed on this link http://www.novaccine.com/vaccine-risks/index.asp?sv_id=22