On Wednesday 20th October, WA Premier, Mark McGowan, announced that he would be implementing the most “drastic jab mandate” in the country requiring 75% of the work force to be jabbed with the “experimental COVID19 vaccines“. The deadline for these jabs will be 31 January 2022.
These COVID19 injections have been mandated for workers across Australia even though there is no proven benefit from this experimental drug against COVID19 disease and there is no proven serious risk (Video 1) from COVID19 disease in any Australian workplace.
Most WA employers have not received this directive from a Public Health Order so for now there is no law for this directive in many workplaces.
Further, when healthcare workers requested the risk assessment for COVID19 disease in the workplace under the Public Health Order they were simply told it was “Mark McGowan’s decision”. No risk of COVID19 in the workplace has been established and in contrast, there is overwhelming risk of illness and death caused by COVID19 injections (videos 1 and2)
This is not being reported by the mainstream media or by medical doctors and this is biasing the public’s perception of this issue. The public is falsely assuming that this is a ‘vaccine’ providing immunity and that the side-effects are ‘rare’ simply because the media is providing this false reporting of the situation.
1) WA Premier Mark McGowan has called this a “vaccination program” but this injection has never been trialled to see if it creates immunity. It has no proven benefit in creating immunity to COVID19 disease in the community. Yet it is being promoted as a “vaccine”. It is not a vaccine; it has never been tested in humans prior to 2020 and this is not a “vaccination program”.
2) People are not “unvaccinated” they are “unjabbed”. The word ‘vaccine’ implies that people are given immunity. There is no evidence after 12 months that this is the case.
3) There are many more hospitalisations and deaths in 2021 than in 2020 without the injection.
4) The risk of getting seriously ill of dying from COVID19 in an Australian workplace is virtually zero.
5) The risk of getting seriously ill or dying after the injection is very high.
6) WA Premier, Mark McGowan has not provided an assessment of the ‘risk’ of COVID19 in WA workplaces.
7) There is no law for WA Premier, Mark McGowan to threaten businesses with fines of $100,000 if unvaccinated workers are in the workplace if he has not provided employers with a risk assessment for COVID19 in the workplace.
9) There are no reasonable grounds to mandate this experimental gene technology on any employee because it does not provide immunity to COVID19, and this disease is not a serious risk in any Australian workplace.
10) WorkSafe Australia has stated that the COVID19 injection is voluntary and they have not stated that they will cover employers for liability for harm caused by the injections. Employer’s will be liable for any harm caused to employees from these injections.
Beliefs about Vaccines:
Mainstream media has always been a tool to manipulate public behaviour and when the US Congress removed liability from pharmaceutical companies for any harm caused by any drug labelled a “vaccine” in 1986 (because they were paying millions of dollars in compensation for deaths and injuries), this enabled big pharma to minimise the risks of these drugs and to exaggerate the benefits (“life-saving products”) – without providing evidence for these claims.
In 2021 this dismissive ridicule by authorities reached a new low when the Western Australian Premier, Mark McGowan, disrespectfully told ~5,000 WA parents and grandparents at a rally opposing mandatory jabs for jobs, to “Grow a brain” and he stated that “this is about medicine and saving lives”. This statement by the Premier is simply untrue in a genetically diverse population. Coercion is never about health and all drugs have side-effects in some people.
A mandatory drug/vaccine, in a genetically diverse population, will cause death and sickness in a significant proportion of the population. Mark McGowan is putting the public’s lives are risk. Reactions after these injections can take weeks, months or years to result in autoimmune diseases and cancers depending upon individual genetics.
Politicians, media, and doctors are using labels to convey a ‘belief’ about vaccines and to stigmatise critical thinking, and this is done without providing any supportive evidence for the implied meanings the words are given. This strategy has been used to support the expansion of national vaccination programs from 1986 – 2021.
Since 1986 ‘beliefs’ that are not evidence-based have been promoted by the media, politicians and doctors by using the following words to promote public health policy:
Vaccines – drugs that have ‘rare’ side-effects and are ‘necessary to control infectious diseases.’ Both claims are untrue.
Infectious diseases – re-labelled as ‘vaccine-preventable diseases’ since 1986 to imply that they can be prevented with a vaccine.
Vaccination programs – falsely labelled as ‘immunisation programs.’ It is known that many vaccinated people do not get immunity after a vaccine is given and they still get the disease.
Catch-Up Schedules – They are not catch-up schedules because most older Australians did not have these vaccines and were never at risk from these diseases.
Antivaxxer – a derogatory term used to describe an educated parent/professional that discusses the risk-benefit analysis of vaccines or ingredients of vaccines. Knowledge of these criteria are necessary to promote ‘healthy’ outcomes from vaccines, yet they are ridiculed.
Conspiracy Theory – derogatory term used to dismiss the serious conflicts of interest in every aspect of global health policy designed by the WHO/GAVI alliance and national vaccination policies designed by governments.
This is a political situation, and it is the influence of corporate money in the political and economic decisions of governments that has led to doctors, governments and the media collaborating to commit a serious crime against their populations by falsely advertising an experimental genetic technology as a ‘vaccine’.
People, including health professionals, are walking into their own deaths and illnesses, due to the false and misleading health information that is being provided by the powerful medical-industry complex to politicians.
This corporate health model has monopolised doctors, industry-funded research institutions, politicians, and the mainstream media to educate the public with ignorance about the risks of vaccines. A situation described as agnotology in the academic literature and if doctors were not gagged by AHPRA (their government/corporate regulatory board) it would not have been possible to violate their medical ethics and commit this crime against humanity that will destroy the genetic fabric of society.